- Application form for hostel admission is to be filled and shall be submitted to the admission office duly recommended by the Chairperson of the concerned department.
- The admitted students are required to pay the prescribed fee within seven days of approval. Fee is to be paid in the Habib Bank, UOS Branch, on the prescribed voucher. Failure in fee deposit may result in the cancellation of hostel admission.
- After the deposit of hostel dues, boarders cannot be shifted from one hostel to another.
Hostel Allotment Criteria
Hostel allotment at the University is based upon the following criteria:
- Allotment is done on merit basis and cannot be claimed as a matter of right even when the candidate is a bonafide student of the same University. Allotment will only be confirmed when Hostel Administration is satisfied regarding the merit and eligibility of the applicant.
- Allotment is done for a period of the academic year and will be renewed every year after the deposit of annual charges and satisfactory performance.
- The University reserves the right to render a candidate ineligible if a candidate is found simultaneously enrolled in some other degree, non-degree program at any other institution; part-time/fulltime job of any kind, involvement in any civil case, wanted by police/law enforcement agencies or been previously involved in any violation of the University rules/indiscipline in any manner as determined by the Hostel Administration.
- Failed students who rejoin to complete their graduate/ postgraduate programs are also eligible for allotment of seats in the University hostels after verification from the relevant departmental heads. However, they may retain accommodation if they pay all the dues for the period concerned. This condition is subject to the availability of seats.
- The refund of the security fee can be claimed only within six months after leaving the hostel subject to clearance.
Terms and Conditions to Retain Hostel Allotment
- The allotment of the room shall be valid subject to timely deposit of all the dues including room rent, utility bills, and mess charges.
- The border shall sign a receipt of hostel commodities/ possessions in their rooms and shall be responsible for any loss or damage to them.
- The boarders shall be responsible for keeping their rooms neat and clean.
- Daily attendance of the boarders will be recorded during 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. All boarders are required to be present in their rooms.
- A boarder absent from the hostel for a fortnight during an academic session (without permission) may lose his/her seat in the Hostel; his/her belongings will be taken into custody by the Superintendent. Any claim about the number and value of belongings by the resident may not be accepted and the hostel administration shall not be responsible for the security of taken over belongings after one month of such cancellation.
- Hostel administration shall not be responsible for the loss of money, valuables, and other belongings of the boarders. Any reports of such thefts shall not be entertained.
- The hostel administration reserves the right to cancel the hostel admission of boarder after one week of completion of her/his regular examination of the degree. Students engaged in thesis/dissertation may be allowed to stay beyond that time upon the recommendation of the
- Chairperson of the respective department for a period not exceeding one month.
- Hostel administration shall have the right to inspect the rooms anytime. Refusing such inspection may invite disciplinary action.
- The University reserves the right to revise, modify or change any of these rules/regulations. Boarders must abide by all instructions displayed on the hostel notice board from time to time.
- Hostel mess shall be run by the Mess Committee under the supervision of Hostel Warden and Superintendent.
- Special attention will be paid to the quality of food and cleanliness of kitchens and dining rooms.
- At the end of the month, a monthly statement showing the dues of every boarder is displayed on the notice board.
- The boarders are required to pay their dues within one week after receiving the challan form, failing which may cause a fine per day.
- Every boarder/non-boarder and teacher/staff taking mess shall have to pay mess security in the Hostel account through prescribed bank challan issued by the Hostel office.
- All boarders should take meals in the dining hall. In exceptional cases, the Warden/Superintendent may relax this rule.
- Boarders are permitted to have a private cooking arrangement in the students' kitchen only if they desire so.
- Boarders are not allowed to take hostel crockery, cutlery, etc., to their rooms.
- Dining service is available during the mess hours fixed for each meal. Food may not be served after the specified hours.
- Boarders having complaints against any mess worker, may report to the Mess Committee instead of directly arguing with them.
- Authorized guests staying in the hostel must dine in the Dining Hall.
- All boarders are responsible to ensure their mess attendance.
- Students residing in the hostels shall not hold any meeting or organize any activity without the written permission of the Warden and Superintendent.
- No notice shall be posted on the notice board/walls/doors etc or circulated in the hostel without the prior written approval of the Warden and Superintendent.
- No society, association or club shall be formed and no person shall be invited to address any meeting without the prior written permission of the Warden and Superintendent.
- Boarders, while going out of campus, are required to ensure entry in the short leave register at the main gate of the hostel, indicating their purpose and destination. Every boarder should report back to the hostel before hostel timings, as notified by the hostel/institute authority.
Guests and Visitors Policy
- A separate visitor room has been provided in every Hostel for visitors and guests and they can visit the boarder during hostel timings after making proper entries in the guest register.
Disciplinary Rules and Action
Violation of the following rules may cause action against the boarder by the hostel administration:
- Keeping unauthorized persons in the room.
- Staying outside the hostel without permission.
- Keeping guests without permission from the Superintendent.
- Shifting to a room, without permission of the Hostel Superintendent, other than the one allotted to the boarder.
- Not vacating the room after the expiry of the allotment period.
- Non-payment of Hostel dues within the specified time period.
- Keeping fire-arms, lethal weapons including air-gun, contra banned drugs, toxic, and hazardous materials etc.
- Involvement in any immoral, extremist and violent activity or creating nuisance or disturbance for the others.
- Causing willful damage to the hostel property.
- Barricading stairs, corridors, gates and other areas of general use in the hostel.
- Use of hostel premises/rooms for political assemblies or against the purpose for which they are meant.
- Inviting outsiders to address hostel boarders without permission of the Warden/ Superintendent.
- Pasting of posters, wall-chalking, or slogans of any kind.
- Playing of loud musical instruments in the rooms.
- Defying instructions of the Hostel administration regarding general discipline and other matters.
- Entertaining visitors other than those listed in the individual's visitors list except with the permission of the Superintendent.
- The hostel seat of any boarder may be cancelled at any time on violation of rules which cannot be challenged in any court and such a student cannot demand the refund of the security fee.
- The boarders are required to abide by the hostel regulations and discipline enforced by the university from time to time.
- Keeping electric appliances, such as TV, microwave, air cooler, air conditioner and refrigerator in the rooms without the permission of the Hostel Administration is strictly prohibited.
Boarders violating the above-mentioned regulations may face disciplinary action, depending upon the severity, which may include (1) warning, (2) fine, (3) cancellation of admission/any other punishment decided by the competent authority. The cases of a serious offence as considered by the Hostel administration will be sent to the disciplinary committee.
In case of any dispute or any grievance not being satisfactorily taken care of, a boarder may appeal to the Warden/CHC through the hostel Superintendent for redressal of grievances.
Mandatory Directions for Parents
Please read the rules and regulations given in the student guidelines carefully. In case of ignorance on the part of parents regarding hostel rules and regulations, the University will not be held responsible.
Offices of hostels remain open from 8 am to 4 pm. Office staff includes Office Clerk/Assistant, Store Keeper, and Attendants.
For Assistance in Admission
For Boys Hostel
Dr. Muhammad Munir
Warden Boys Hostel
Ph: 048-9230809
Administrative Officer
Rana Izhar
Ph: 048-9230898
For Girls Hostel
Dr. Uzma Ashiq
Warden Girls Hostel
Email: uzma.ashiq@uos.edu.pk
Administrative Officer
Noshaba Azhar
Ph: 048-9230898
For Complaints and Suggestions
Dr. Aamir Ali
Chairman Hall Council
Phone: +92 48 9230898
Dr. M. Anwar-ul-Haq
Deputy Chairman Hall Council
(For Boys)
Phone: +92 48 9230898
Email : muhammad.anwarulhaq@uos.edu.pk
Dr. Nargis Abbas Mirza
Deputy Chairperson Hall Council
(For Girls)
Phone: +92 48 9230898
Email : nargis.abbas@uos.edu.pk