Facilitation Center

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Through one window operation, the Facilitation Center serves admission aspirants, enrolled students, visitors and alumni positively and proactively within due course of time. We take pride in creating and sharing a welcoming space for all the students in the real-time and virtual world. The Center assures better service delivery to improve efficiency and institutional performance. Through a dedicated team of professionals and interns equipped with advanced technological infrastructure and mentorship support, the Center resolves issues pertaining to admissions, academics, examinations and accounts.
We are trying to make UOS Facilitation Center exceptionally innovative in its services through continuous development.


Our vision is to make UOS Facilitation Center innovative and exceptional in its services by embracing digitization of services. This will help in moving forward to next level of service delivery ensuring quality and efficiency.


Our mission is to facilitate students, their parents, visitors and alumni, positively and proactively within due course of time by one window operation.

Our Services

In order to accomplish our goals and objectives, we provide following services.


Our People

Living and working across the globe in myriad professional positions, our alumni are torchbearers of the integrity of our institution as well as an inspiration for the generations of students at Sargodha University.

I was applying for a foreign scholarship but I was worried about getting an English Proficiency Certificate, recommendation letter and grading scheme on an urgent basis because of the Covid-19 lockdown. The prompt reply from the facilitation center helped in applying for the scholarship. I hope your team would keep on supporting the way you have assisted me. I appreciate your efforts.


BS Mechanical Engineering (2013-2017)

Dr. Bilal Ahmed

Manager Facilitation Center

Bilal Ahmed is currently working as Manager Facilitation Center and Secretary Admission Committee, University of Sargodha, Sargodha. He is PhD in Economics and serving the University as Lecturer in Economics since 2012. During this service period in the Department of Economics, in addition to his own teaching assignments, he worked as Incharge Examination, Incharge Admission, Sports Incharge and Focal Person Performing Arts Society. Earlier, he did his M.Phil in Economics from the University of Sargodha by obtaining distinction. He is a dynamic researcher specializing in Poverty Measurements and Designing and Running Randomized Evaluations.