The University of Sargodha offers its students an ideal environment for academic excellence and professional growth. Life at its main campus and sub - campus is conducive for advanced studies. Students are also provided with ample social avenues to refine their personalities and skills. The University faculty and staff have affable bond with students, and the mode of learning involves both formal and informal processes. The infrastructure is very well developed with modern buildings, well equipped classrooms and research labs, congenial hostel environment, wide pathways, green and serene parks, and first - class sports facilities. During each semester, the campus life remains abuzz with academic events such as conferences, seminars and workshops as well as co -curricular activities, including debates and other youthful activities.
Providing supplementary support in addition to the curriculum to foster a conducive learning experience.
Our main library, named after a prominent literary figure and UOS alumnus, isknown for its long history, magnificent architecture and pleasant environment. Itholds a collection of 100,000 books, a number of foreign and local journals, severalonline full text databases of books and periodicals, a computer lab comprising 50computers with internet connectivity and a valuable collection of 25,000 digitalresources and a MARC based Library Management System.
The University has ten female and four male studentshostels, providing comfortable residential facilities to morethan 4,500 students. It is the only public sector universitywhich provides hostel facility to most of the female studentswho apply for residence. The accommodation in each ofthese hostels comprises both cubicles and dormitories. Eachhall contains a well-furnished dining hall, a TV lounge, acommon room, a reading room, electricity generators andemergency medical facilities.
The University of Sargodha offers a variety of sports facilities andco-curricular opportunities to its students. It is enriched with lushgreen playgrounds for cricket, hockey, football, athletics and otherindoor and outdoor games. The Riaz Shad Co-Curricular Forum,with over a dozen student societies, prepares the students forwinning national competitions in debates and other youthfulcontests.
For providing young entrepreneurs with adequate resources and servicesto nurture and commercialize their innovative ideas, the University hasestablished the Sargodha University Incubation Center. It is alsoproviding an intense six to eight months ‘Business Acceleration Program’to support passionate students to launch their own startups.
Career Development Center (CDC) empowersyouth, builds capacityand provides careercounselling throughinteractive sessions withprofessionals, and workshops. To harness work ethics and equip studentswith modern and updated skills required for professional life, CDCorganizes various activities including Skill Development Program, OnCampus Internship Program and opens international avenues throughscholarships and exchange programs.
Our University Health Center at the main campusprovides round the clock healthcare facilities to thestudents, faculty, staff and the local community.Medical consultants from Sargodha MedicalCollege are available to take care of patients in themorning and evening. The ambulance service isavailable 24/7 to deal with emergency cases. Thestudents are also provided SU’s own mineral water,Khush Aab, at plants located on campus and inhostels.
Providing work opportunities through OnCampus Internship Program for meritoriousfresh graduates and enrolled students andvarious international and national exchangeprograms.
Our FM 98.2 radio station offers education andinfotainment to students and local community.
Well-equipped IT labs are available in the libraryand most of the departments to provide digitalservices to students and researchers.
Connecting academic activities with local community and economic stakeholders.
Our main library, named after a prominent literary figure and UOS alumnus, isknown for its long history, magnificent architecture and pleasant environment.
Two E-Rozgaar Centers, establishedby the Punjab InformationTechnology Board, are operational atour main campus and sub-campus inBhakkar, offering online freelancebusiness opportunities to the students.
Sargodha University is among the first few public sector universities where Smart University Project of the Higher Education Commission has been deployed successfully. The project has enabled us to experience an advanced WiFi Technology providing wireless coverage across the main campus, enabling the users (including students and teachers) to freely access wireless internet services both indoor and outdoor. Eduroam services are part of this project, aimed at enabling the users to freely access wireless internet services with the same credentials while visiting any other university in the country or abroad offering similar services. It ensure secure environment through Security Wing of the University, with alarms system, CCTV cameras and gated security.
UOS is committed to provide the students with digital exposure by using Vlogs and Podcasts to create a technologically informed community.
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