Global Outlook

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Sargodha University is an emerging institution for advanced studies and research in higher education in Pakistan, offering viable avenuesfor critical learning through both traditional and online modes ofeducation. The University is making its global impression through an array of collaborations with reputable international organizations,particularly in the field of agriculture.It is a pioneer university in Pakistan to join the Agriculture, Scientific and Innovation League of the Belt and Road Initiative.To strengthen people to people connectionbetween Pakistan and China, the country's fifth Confucius Institute hasbeen set up at the main campus.It also owns the largest Lincoln Cornerwhich falls under the 'Golden Category' in the jurisdiction of US Consulate General, Lahore.

Global Rankings

Sargodha University is making a mark in its global academic profile through impressive performance each year in the world's prestigious Times Higher Education and QS rankings.


Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021


THE Emerging Economics World University Rankings 2020


Times Higher Education Impact World University Rankings 2020


Times Higher Education Young World University Rankings 2020

Foreign Referees

Our distinguished foreign referees officiate all the academic support essential to the students.

Refereeing or peer-reviewing is a process to ensure quality of academic work at higher education institutions, whether it be in the form of academic publications, PhD dissertations or it is in the form of scrutinizing quality of research projects for grant distribution or evaluation of faculty’s dossiers for their selection and promotion. The process necessitates that blind peer reviewers give an unbiased, informed and academic assessment of a candidates’ scholarly contributions to significantly contribute to the relevant field or discipline.

News & Updates

The campus remains abuzz with literary and scholarly events to keep our energetic youth engaged in debates and discussion stimulating critical thinking.