Institute of Food Science & Nutrition

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Institute of Food Science and Nutrition (IFSN) was established in 2005 as the Department of Food Science and Technology and later it was upgraded to the status of institute in 2010. Currently, the Institute of Food Science and Nutrition is offering three under-graduate and four post-graduate degree programs. Besides these degree programs, IFSN also offers short courses for local community and industry. We have well qualified and experienced faculty comprising 13 regular members; out of which 11 are holding PhD degrees. Institute has well-equipped laboratories and processing halls. The Institute is promoting collaboration with other national and international universities, industries and professional organizations; which would be of great benefit to our students and faculty. We are committed to provide excellent education and training to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The students also avail the opportunity to have an on job training through internships. Our curriculum is focused on developing professional skills and entrepreneurship culture.


To develop a center for development of science, technology and human resources in the fields of Food Science and Technology, Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Home Economics with an entrepreneurial insight and get a distinction and good reputation at national, regional, and international levels.


To build concepts of food science and human nutrition through high quality teaching, practical training and research and to produce skilled food scientists and nutritionists

Degree Programs

Our diverse and varied degree programs are designed to uplift research aptitude and instill skill based knowledge to cater the needs of job market.



At UOS we are proud of our accomplishments. Together, faculty, students and staff contribute to create an amazing experience. Here are just a few reasons why UOS is the top varsity in the province of Punjab, Pakistan.




Degree Programs


Graduated Students


Enrolled students


Our innovation in research is the true reflection of our distinguishing position as a higher education institution. We provide a pathway to our faculty and research scholars to bridge together laboratory research, commercial potential, and solution-focused innovation.

News & Updates

The campus remains abuzz with literary and scholarly events to keep our energetic youth engaged in debates and discussion stimulating critical thinking

Faculty Members

Our resourceful faculty, efficient in providing opportunities for research and mentoring, is devoted to enrich the institutional heritage of quality education, thus, creating a substantial academic experience for the students.

Our People

Living and working across the globe in myriad professional positions, our alumni are torchbearers of the integrity of our institution as well as an inspiration for the generations of students at Sargodha University.

“My department has always acted as a guiding tool that helped me grow both professionally and personally.”

Ms. Faiqa Chaudhry at Department of Allied Health Sciences, University of Sargodha, Sargodha-Pakistan
M.Sc (Hons) (2010-2012)