Institute of Chemistry

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The Institute of Chemistry established as a Department of Chemistry in 1991 for postgraduate studies at Government Postgraduate College Sargodha. • Since the upgradation of this Postgraduate College to University of Sargodha in November 2002, the Department of Chemistry has always remained one of the most productive departments of the university in terms of imparting high-quality teaching and research and winning different honors and awards. • The department has been upgraded into the Institute of Chemistry in August 2020. • The Institute offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs in all the areas of Chemistry designed to meet the ever-emerging needs in the field of Chemical Sciences. • The Institute is a magnificent hub for the students looking to work in the broader spectrum of Chemistry


To become leading contributor towards modern business economy in the era of globalization through excellence in academics and research.


Grooming future business leaders by employing best of human resources and technology to produce business intellectuals, professionals and entrepreneurs to meet local and global challenges.

Degree Programs

Our diverse and varied degree programs are designed to uplift research aptitude and instill skill based knowledge to cater the needs of job market.



At UOS we are proud of our accomplishments. Together, faculty, students and staff contribute to create an amazing experience. Here are just a few reasons why UOS is the top varsity in the province of Punjab, Pakistan.




Degree Programs


Graduated Students


Enrolled students


Our innovation in research is the true reflection of our distinguishing position as a higher education institution. We provide a pathway to our faculty and research scholars to bridge together laboratory research, commercial potential, and solution-focused innovation.

News & Updates

The campus remains abuzz with literary and scholarly events to keep our energetic youth engaged in debates and discussion stimulating critical thinking

Faculty Members

Our resourceful faculty, efficient in providing opportunities for research and mentoring, is devoted to enrich the institutional heritage of quality education, thus, creating a substantial academic experience for the students.

Our People

Living and working across the globe in myriad professional positions, our alumni are torchbearers of the integrity of our institution as well as an inspiration for the generations of students at Sargodha University.

“The department of Chemistry builds the knowledge base of students to compete in job market.”

Dr Rahman Qadir at Punjab Education Department.
PhD (2014-2019)