Dr. Shahid Abbas earned PhD in English Language and Literature from International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Modern Drama
Discourse Analysis
Post Modernism and Islam
IRSIP, University of Colorado at Boulder, US
Research Journal
A. Sultan, S. Abbas, S. H. Mir
From Theory to Practice: Transitivity Analysis of Alfred Tennyson's Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead
Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (PJHSS) ,
11, 1,
S. Abbas, I. Asghar, N. N. Ahmad
Evaluating Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method in Teaching English Language at Secondary Level
Competitive Social Sciences Research Journal (CSSRJ) ,
3, 1,
I. Asghar, S. Abbas, N. N. Ahmad
A Corpus-Based Study of Samuel Beckett’s Dramatic Texts: A Comparative Analysis of Lexical Features
Journal of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS) ,
8, 1,
R. Faiz, S. Abbas, A. Umer
Analyzing Representation of Gender in How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia
Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, Volume 5, Issue 2, ,
5, 2,
I. Asghar, S. Abbas, N. N. Ahmad
Evaluation of English Language Teaching and Learning Skills at Secondary Level with reference to Teaching Methods
Competitive Social Sciences Research Journal (CSSRJ) ,
2, 3,
M. T. Khan, A. Pervaiz, S. Abbas,
Mapping Schematic Structures in Narratives: A Genre Based Approach
PalArch’s Journal of Archeology of Egypt/Egyptology ,
18, 10,
A. Pervaiz, M. Azhar, S. Abbas, H. Khatoon, S. Saeed
A comparative analysis of the portrayal of femininity in multiple identities in Urdu, Sindhi, Saraiki and Punjabi proverbs
Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology ,
18, 10,
S. Abbas, I. Asghar, A. Sultan
Evolution from Feminism to Postfeminism: Islamic Representation of Womanhood
Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review ,
2, 3,
S. Abbas, S. Ghaffar, I. Asghar
Analyzing Women’s Oppression in Manto’s Ten Rupees: A Functional Perspective Towards Silence
Pakistan Journal of Language & Translation Studies ,
9, 1,
I. Asghar, S. Abbas, M. Bashir, N. N. Ahmad
Investigating Existential Interpretation of Waiting for Godot: A Corpus-Based Study of Lexical Features
Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews ,
9, 3,
S. Abbas, I. Asghar, Q. Hussain
Analyzing George Bernard Shaw’s Portrayal of Women in the light of Postfeminist Theory
Sir Syed Journal of Education and Social Research (SJESR) ,
4, 2,
I. Asghar, S. Abbas, M. Ikram
Pedagogical Techniques Used by ELT Teachers to Develop Reading Skills at Secondary Level
Journal of Educational Sciences and Research (JESR) ,
8, 1,
H. A. Bilal, S. Abbas, A. R. Kiran, A. W. Mufti
Shafak’s Treatment of Divinity and Religion in Three Daughters of Eve: A Critical Perspective
Journal of Psychology and Education ,
58, 4,
I. Asghar, S. Abbas, H. A. Bilal, J. Anwer
Merger of High Vowels in Pakistani English: An Acoustic Investigation
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology ,
18, 7,
R. Ali, A. Rashid, S. Abbas
Major Themes in Imran Khan’s UNGA Speeches: A Corpus Assisted Study
Journal of Global Political Review ,
5, 3,
A. Rashid, A. Ali, S. Abbas
Sketching Women: A Corpus-Based Study of Female Protagonist in A Doll’s House
Journal of Global Language Review ,
5, 4,
A. Ali, A. Rashid, S. Abbas
Modality in Pakistani and British Media Discourse: A Corpus Assisted Study of Editorials in Dawn and the Guardian
Global Mass Communication Review ,
5, 4,
A. Rashid, A. Ali, S. Abbas
A Corpus Assisted Comparative Study of Metadiscourse Markers in Opinion Articles of American and Pakistani Newspapers
Global Mass Communication Review ,
5, 3,
A. Ali, A. Rashid, S. Abbas
Metadiscourse Markers in Political Discourse: A Corpus Assisted Study of Hedges and Boosters in Benazir Bhutto’s Speeches
Journal of Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR) ,
5, 3,
S. Abbas, A. Umer, H. M. Bilal, M. U. Raza, A. Safdar
Acoustic Analysis of Consonants of Pakistani English
Elementary Education Online ,
19, 4,
A. Sultan, S. Abbas
Intertextual Parallels in Harry Potter Series and Oriental Dastan
Elementary Education online ,
19, 3,
I. Asghar, M. Azhar, S. Abbas
Syntactic Deconstruction of Beckett’s Dramatic Text: A Transitivity Analysis of Waiting for Godot
International Journal of English Linguistics ,
9, 4,
A. Sultan, A. Afsar, S. Abbas
Need Analysis: English courses for Bachelors of Engineering in Pakistan
Journal of Educational Sciences and Research (JESAR) ,
6, 1,
M. A. Lashari, K. Ansari, S. Abbas
Binary Opposition and Colonial Hegemony: Structural and Post-structural Study of Tariq Rahman's "The Zoo"
International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities (IRJAH) ,
47, 47,
S. Abbas, M. S. Awan
From Submission to Assertion: A Structural Functional Approach to Shaw’s Pygmalion
Journal of Social Sciences ,
8, 1,
S. Abbas, A. Afsar
Analyzing Gender Representation and Role Reversal in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House in light of Speech Act Theory
Kashmir Journal of Languages and Research ,
19, 2,
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