Civil engineering Technology is considered as the broadest discipline focusing on various challenging technical problems and involves multidimensional specialties. The department was established in 2013 as a part of the College of Engineering and Technology, University of Sargodha. The main strength of the department of Civil Engineering technology at University of Sargodha is the research activities that enable its students to grow and promote the industrial and economic development in the Country. The Department has adequate research facilities for the students and the faculty. It is the department’s priority to provide solution of complex engineering problems faced by the public/private sectors in the field of civil engineering technology in the country. The faculty members are engaged in a variety of research projects such as low cost housing, ultra-high performance concrete, strengthening of masonry walls and retrofitting, use of indigenous materials, soil stability, laboratory and in-situ soil characterization, problematic soils stabilization, geotechnical engineering mapping, seepage control of water logging and salinity, sedimentation in channels and reservoir, river flood hydraulics, hydrological modeling, soil erosion and sediment transport modeling, numerical simulation for flushing sediments from the reservoir, coastal flood modeling considering future climate change, irrigation canal system simulation and development of computer software for civil related problems. The sustainable and outcross solutions to various construction industries related problems are the main contribution of the Department towards the community improvement where we live in. This was mainly attributed to the availability of qualified faculty members in various fields of Civil Engineering. Due to this research extensive environment, the research productivity (Journal and Conference publications) of the Department is comparable to any other Departments in the Country.
To foster sustainable and resilient communities through innovative research, education, and practice in civil , environmental, and transportation systems.
Aims to provide quality education and produce competent engineers and technologists in the field of civil engineering with high level of professional, social, and ethical sense of responsibilities to serve worldwide.
Our diverse and varied degree programs are designed to uplift research aptitude and instill skill based knowledge to cater the needs of job market.
At UOS we are proud of our accomplishments. Together, faculty, students and staff contribute to create an amazing experience. Here are just a few reasons why UOS is the top varsity in the province of Punjab, Pakistan.
Graduated Students
Enrolled students
visiting Faculty
Research Publications
Degree Programs
Graduated Students
Enrolled students
visiting Faculty
Research Publications
Degree Programs
Graduated Students
Enrolled students
Our innovation in research is the true reflection of our distinguishing position as a higher education institution. We provide a pathway to our faculty and research scholars to bridge together laboratory research, commercial potential, and solution-focused innovation.
Our resourceful faculty, efficient in providing opportunities for research and mentoring, is devoted to enrich the institutional heritage of quality education, thus, creating a substantial academic experience for the students.
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