-Pursuing development project worth over Rs.1.54 billion funded by the Higher Education Commission. The project c overs the infrastructure and allied facilities for Pakistan Institute of China Studies (PICS), Multimedia Development Center, a high tech research lab and several other development initiatives.
-Exploring CPEC opportunities through PICS, which offers various opportunities to students and researchers for academic research and e x changes bet ween SU and Chinese universities, especially in agriculture. F rom Fall 2019, Chinese language classes have been star ted for the faculty and students. With the establishment of the fifth Confucius Institute in the country at SU, the formal launch of Chinese Studies program would be operational in Fall 2020.
-Shaping governmental policies to wards quality education by shutting down five Public-Private Partnership sub -campuses and curtailing the number of private colleges' affiliations from 640 in 2017 to 260 at present .
-Enhancing work efficiency through inclusive management style by devolving power to faculty heads and staff officers, and further down the line. Better service delivery through user friendly and mobile compatible website for online admissions.
-Ensuring quality education through recruiting over 300 qualified faculty members, many with PhDs and global exposure, through regular meetings of the Selection Board and Syndicate.
-Generating surplus budget through financial recoveries, and tangible growth in self -generated r e venue through judicial, transparent and ac countable approach.
-Engaging Alumni through SU Alumni Association in outreach and development activities, including contributions to Endowment Fund.
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