Dr. Muhammad Mobeen Hashmi


+92 48 9230811 - 15 Ext 469



Muhammad Mobeen holds a PhD in Flood Risk and Climate Change Adaptation from the University of Hamburg, Germany. With an academic foundation as a geographer, he also earned an M.Phil. in Geography and an M.Sc. with Distinction.
Dr. Mobeen specializes in advanced statistical and spatial modeling techniques, including Structural Equation Modeling (using SmartPLS, R, Python), Agent-Based Modeling (using NetLogo, R, Python), and Spatial Data Modeling (using ArcGIS, ArcGIS Pro, and Google Earth Engine through GEEMAP). His research expertise lies at the intersection of climate change adaptation, flood risk management, and agricultural resilience, leveraging his strong analytical and geospatial skills to address complex environmental challenges.

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Year Degree Board / University
2024 Ph.D. in Geography -- (Doctorate Degree) School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences SICSS, University of Hamburg, Germany
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From To Post Held Organization
2007 2008 Assistant Meteorologist Pakistan Meteorological Department,
2008 2010 Lecturer Federal Government
2010 Continue Lecturer University of Sargodha
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Research Interests

Climate change
Geostatistical Modeling
Adaptation Modeling


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